Friday, December 25, 2015


“All I want for Christmas …” is rain and snow! 
 (apologies to lyricist Don Gardner who wrote “All I Want For Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth” in 1946.  Other songsters have since orchestrated their own versions -- you may even have your own!)

California’s state-wide drought issues have caused the need for serious water usage conservation efforts, hence my wish.  I’m delighted the weather effect known as El Nino is bringing snow to our mountains and rain in our valleys that will, hopefully, continue the next few months.  Even then we’ll need such winter weather each year for several years to come.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, or Happy Hanukkah, Merry Kwanza -- these are the holiday wishes with which family, friends, or others we encounter are most likely to greet us this time of year.    The season offers us all, including those not celebrating any of these holidays, a unifying opportunity.   

Events this year have elicited emotional reactions from some across this country on how to insure future safety for all that have raised questions challenging our values -- personally and as a nation.    Hopefully, we'll all continue to practice tolerance throughout the coming year as we offer others respect, love one another and seek peace. 

Thursday, December 03, 2015


"Act of Terriorism"  declared by FBI -- Fri., 12/04/15 Update

More violent madness unbelievably explodes, but now in  Southern California east of Los Angeles in  San Bernardino -- Redlands -- a mere thirty minutes freeway drive east of my community.   This has been a day of mayhem, tragedy and mystery.   We're all mourning.

All media news has been focused on this evolving story beginning with a mindless shooting event around 11 o'clock yesterday, Wednesday,  morning.   Law enforcement is laboring through the night as I write this to ensure public safety -- uncover the facts.   You can readily access particulars through your news source as ongoing information continues to surface surrounding the circumstances of this tragedy that has taken lives, maimed others, grieved so many of us, but still has unanswered questions.

Two now deceased shooters in their twenties, engaged or married (with a six month old baby girl they left with her grandparents)  have been identified.    The male, born in U.S., was a five year San Bernardino County Health Dept. employee. Further information about the female presently not known.

A distraught member of the male shooter's family, supported by cultural and religious community leaders, briefly spoke on TV expressing their surprise, shock and sadness this had happened.  Religious leaders stressed such violence was not supported by their religion.

Law enforcement investigation continues disarming bombs and considering the possibility of other conspirators.  Meanwhile, thank you to law enforcement for swift and effective efforts to prevent further carnage.

Police officials revealed additional specifics that the male had angrily left an annual holiday party, then returned later with his companion to initiate the shooting.  Officials speculate all the equipment and masks worn by the shooters, their firearms, bombs in their possession and left in other locations raise questions about motives for the shootings and suggest long term planning.

So many questions in the beginning and continuing -- work place anger -- terrorism ?  Maybe it's both.   Other conspirators?  The FBI's investigation is now considering this a possible act of terrorism, but we don't yet know for certain.

News reports state two recovered guns involved in the shooting were legally purchased.

Would tightening gun control laws in this country have lessened or prevented this happening?

Does it make sense individuals on airline watch lists who are prohibited from flying be allowed to purchase guns?

Should there be limits placed on gun purchase by those with select diagnosed mental illnesses?

What if gun purchase registration was required at gun shows?  Would it be different than what we require to buy and sell a car, motor vehicle? 

When do we start answering these questions ...... taking action?

We must find a way to preserve our liberties and be safe.

Why isn't Congress addressing these issues?