Sunday, March 09, 2025

L U C K Y T H R E E B R I N G J O Y !


3 Bald Eaglets emerged from their eggshells beginning March 1st!

(photo courtesy of Friends of Big Bear Bald Eagles)

Eagle Image

Please refer to my previous post for a recap of this Big Bear Bald Eagle family I've followed on this blog for several years.  

I find following these lives a welcome respite during these current unsettling times.

READ  Biologist Sandy's storied account HERE.

VIEW live eagle activity at the nest 24/7 HERE.

A snowy cold weather storm is expected in a few days mid-week with one to two feet of snow predicted. Keeping these tiny eaglets warm and fed will challenge parents, Jackie and Shadow, who have been doing a good job.  The eaglets are being fed up to 8 times a day bites of fish and what appears to be a bird. 

I wonder if the last hatched eaglet will be strong enough to get its share of food with the several days older now stronger siblings given their natural competitive natures?   

Eaglets rapidly grow larger so will they all fit and be able to stay warm under either of their protective parents if more cold stormy weather occurs?  

Feathers will begin to replace the eaglets fluff.  The eaglets will begin to exercise in the nest for flying.   

Fledging (their first flight) usually occurs in 10 to 14 weeks from hatching which will be May for these eaglets.

Sunday, January 26, 2025


Update January 29, 2025  --- This day after Jackie laid egg #3 she and Shadow were spotted briefly off the nest on a nearby tree branch  having a quick mating session.  Will there be another egg -- 4?

Eagle Update Pictures


Update January 28, 2025 ---  Jackie laid a 3rd egg !

Eagle Update Pictures


The American Bald Eagle has finally been named the United States national bird.  Southern California has a pair of magnificent fierce-looking bald eagles nesting in the Big Bear Mountain area east of where I live.  The mountains are even further east from those devastating fires that have been in our current news.

"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."  That's what Jackie and Shadow have been doing the past two years -- trying to repeat successfully hatching their eggs and raising their eaglets. 

 Jackie laid two eggs that successfully hatched though only one owlet survived the first year I began virtually visiting their nest.  I shared significant events and videos you may view HERE on this March 2019 report.  Subsequent accounts on the parents and eaglets are accessible in the Archives beginning in April 2019.

More recently Jackie laid two eggs one year that didn't hatch, then three eggs the following year that also failed to hatch, all for unknown reasons.  The birds had been observed mating so the eggs were presumed to be fertilized and viable.  Speculation was adverse severely cold weather conditions might have been the cause despite both parents efforts to keep them warm at needed incubation temperatures.

Last November 2024 Jackie and Shadow returned to refurbish their nest.  

Wednesday, January 22, 2025 Jackie laid her first egg. 

Today, January 25, as I was writing this, Jackie laid a second egg.

Video courtesy of F0BBV on YouTube --Nature Lover Birdlife Odyssey

Friends of Big Bear Valley (FOBBV)website provides 24/7  live action camera views of  Jackie's and Shadow's activities at the nest along with entertaining and written information.  What a spectacular view these bald eagles have  of the surrounding forest and lake from which Shadow brings fresh fish to Jackie.   He shares with her the parenting incubation duties.  

Fiona, the flying squirrel continues her periodic unwelcome visits.  Ravens sometimes become very annoying.   Other unpredictable situations, visitors can disrupt normal life -- this is nature in real time that could never be so closely observed from the ground they are all so high in a giant size tree.  

Will Jackie lay any more eggs?   Some bald eagles have raised three or even four eaglets.

Incubation has begun to keep the eggs safely warm in sometimes bitter weather conditions.   The normal incubation time is 35 to 41 days until pip watch.

Pip Watch is when the eagles will begin to listen for the sound inside of the eaglet attempting to break open the egg shell.    Jackie, Shadow and all of us will be eagerly, but patiently waiting for the emergence of those soft fluffy little eaglets.

Is this third year of unproductive hatching the charm for one or more new American Bald Eagles to be introduced into the world?   

Big Bear Valley is where these bald eagles nest but was never in danger during these Southern California Santa Ana fueled wind fires of catastrophic destruction we've had in case you are wondering.

Last year, in September 2024 there was a major forest fire in the San Bernardino Mountains that did threaten the Big Bear City lake area.   Officials reassured those concerned in news reports that the bald eagles habitat was safe as the fire was being contained.  You may click on this CBS News report on that Line fire that was determined to have been arson caused with an arrest made if you are interested.

Monday, January 20, 2025

USA SIGNIFICANT EVENTS: MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 2025. --- Update Added Later

USA flags fly at half-staff to honour Former US President Jimmy Carter at Capitol Hill                                    ANI News

      Former President Carter died December 29, 2024.

      "The flag should fly at half-staff for 30 days at all federal buildings, grounds, and naval vessels throughout  the United States and in territories and possessions after the death of the president or a former president." 

        Protocol summary per Google from this government publication link. 

           *                                                           *                                                        *

The Swearing In Ceremony of Donald J. Trump Jr as the 47th President of the United States.  He was previously the 45th President of the U.S.

Flags To Be Raised for Trump's Inauguration, Despite Half-Staff Order for Carter's Death.    Article may be read on this NPR link.

            *                                                           *                                                      *

Martin Luther King Jr Day -- Annual Honour -- ABC News

 *                                              *                                              *

Update of DJT's inauguration as 47th USA President ..... 1/20/25 Afternoon

Did Trump Put His Hand On The Bible When He Took  The Oath of Office?

What does that mean or does it matter?

CBS News Video at this link:

Wednesday, January 01, 2025


 HAPPY NEW YEAR -- 2025!

What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?

     Rod Stewart, Ella Fitzgerald, Singers

      Chris Botti, trumpet; David Foster, piano

Happy New Year 2025 -- Countdown, Music & Fireworks!





                   GOOD HEALTH