Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Honor a Man Denying Truth or Honor Our Democratic Republic .....


Vice  Presidential candidates Gov.Tim Walz and Sen. JD Vance revealed the core issue American voters need to consider I observed after viewing their refreshingly civil debate.

Unlike former Vice President Pence who refused to certify the 2020 election based on Trump citing the election was stollen which was untrue, Vance declined to say Trump lost the 2020 election.   

"Representative Ted Lieu, an impeachment manager in the second impeachment case against Mr. Trump, said that JD Vance’s comments on the transfer of power after 2020 election were disqualifying."  Read the Guardian article by clicking the link.   

What could happen after our 2024 election if Trump loses again and decides to repeat what lead to the January 6th debacle ..... insurrection? 

American voters have a 2024 election choice : "Who's gonna honor that democracy and who's gonna honor Donald Trump?" questioned Vice Presidential candidate Walz.   

Sunday, September 29, 2024

"Survival Is Not Enough" for Elders

Fellow elderblogger, Kalilly, who writes at: https://www.kalilily.nethas launched with several colleagues a petition to urge the Congressional Task Forces on Aging to devise and recommend funding for a plan to provide subsidies that enable remodeling of old outdated facilities and the constructions of new models of affordable senior housing that meet the needs of older adults for safety, comfort, and personal connections she notes.

"Survival is not Enough"  "The crisis in affordable and humane housing for seniors is rapidly increasing. According to Bloomberg, “By 2034, the Census Bureau projects that the US will be home to more people over 65 than people under 18. Finding safe and affordable housing for this fast-growing segment of the population is becoming an urgent task, as the number of 65-and-over residents who are considered cost-burdened reached record highs in 2021, while federal housing subsidies only reached 36.5% of older households who were eligible.”

This certainly seems a pertinent issue with our aging population experiencing homelessness for so many as this nation has.    You are invited to read, sign the petition if you find it to be of interest at and share with others as well.

Sunday, September 01, 2024




Food for thought .....  

Patiently waiting for the wheels of justice to roll forward for January 6th accountability about which I've previously written.

Question as voters consider where to cast their 2024 ballot ----

If 45 becomes President, he acts chaotically as he has demonstrated he does .....  his supporters determine they made a mistake ..... but he won't leave office ..... what then?

Citizen voters won’t be able to get him out, legally if he makes all the constitution and court system changes he has said he will make in the process of establishing his dictatorship -- there will be no election as he will have prevented that.  Or, any election, if there is one, will likely be rigged much as he demonstrated attempting to do after  2020.  

At  least if another  political party's candidate has been elected we can legally remove them from office by various peaceful means —  impeachment, or at the latest, with an election at the end of their 4 year term.      

Monday, December 25, 2023



                 M  E  R  R  Y     H O  L  I  D  A   Y  S      


       H  A  P  P   Y     N   E   W    Y  E  A  R     2 0 2 4   

         Tony Bennett sings "I'll Be Home For Christmas" 

 90th birthday video of live appearance on NBC- TV Today                                          (promotes a special later that night but not this year)


All is well as can be with me.    I keep moving closer to that ninth decade with very few of my long time friends left on this planet to accompany me while I'm here.  I continue my "rightsizing" activities at a snails pace which contributes to why I haven't resumed writing here.  

Perhaps in the significant year to come I will be unable to resist returning here to write espousing my views on whatever topics capture my attention.   

Meanwhile, I continue to enjoy my family and indulging  myself in the ordinary necessities and self-entertaining activities of daily living which give our lives meaning.  

Wishing for peace everywhere with good health, prosperity, a life filled with happiness and  only the best for each of you in this momentous year to come!  

The Secret of Christmas 

       by George Perris, multi-lingual Greek singer

It's A Most Wonderful Time of the Year

    by George Perris, International Singer

Sunday, January 01, 2023


 H A P P Y   N E W   Y E A R !      2  0  2  3

    W I S H I N G   Y O U .....

          P E A C E,

             J O Y, 

                G O O D   H E A L T H,

                       P R O S P E R I T Y.

ABBA sings Happy New Year

THE TENORS -- Auld Lang Syne  from "Christmas Together" album "... shot on location in Newfoundland and Labrador with generous support of Parks Canada".

Sunday, December 25, 2022


                     2  0  2  2

M E R R Y   C H R I S T M A S !

     H A P P Y    H A N U K K A H !

        J O Y   A L L   S E A S O N A L   H O L I D A Y S !

The Christmas Song 

Sung by pitch perfect Mel Torme'  -- a song co-written with Robert Wells on a hot Southern California afternoon. 

What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?

    Sung by Diana Krall superb jazz vocalist.

Sunday, December 18, 2022


 REPUBLIC -- "If you can keep it."  [Democracy]

U.S. Select House Committee on Jan. 6th Hearings


      Dept. of Justice Special Counsel Jack Smith



Business Meeting 12/19/2022 -- Monday 

1 P.M. ET -- 10 A.M. PT

390 Cannon House Office Building,  Washington DC 20515

Televised live on the Committee's site, PBS and other channels as mentioned in this L.A. Times newspaper article along with discussion about what to expect, what has occurred and other political commentary HERE 

The final Committee report release expected soon may be discussed.

Past Committee Business Meetings 

Reports Recommending House of Representatives Cite Select Named Individuals for Criminal Contempt of Congress

QUESTION:  Will the Committee's final report rightfully include findings about ALL involved in the January 6th seditious activities?

My continuing "catch-up" break from blogging continues. 

Sunday, December 04, 2022


 REPUBLIC -- "If you can keep it."   [Democracy]

U. S. Select House Committee on Jan. 6th Hearings

    Latest Committee News -- Accountability

Dept. of Justice Special Counsel Jack Smith Statement

QUESTION:  Will the Committee's final report rightfully include findings about ALL involved in the January 6th seditious activities -- including any that may have involved former President Donald J. Trump, any Congresspersons, U.S. Government law enforcement departments including FBI, Secret Service, other organizations, any religious entities, corporate and private financial backers, foreign governments? 


Hope all is going well for each of you.  Expect you may be busy with life including any preparations for the coming holidays.  I'm continuing to focus on my need to catch-up on some matters here, so am not writing on any topics interesting me this week and for the next several weeks.   

See you later!

Sunday, November 27, 2022


REPUBLIC -- "If you can keep it."  [Democracy]

U.S. Select House Committee on Jan. 6th Hearings

Committee Media Center's Latest News

The Committee's subpoena to Donald Trump to testify resulted in the 45th President failing to comply and suing the Committee.

Former integrity chief Jack Smith, has been appointed by the Attorney General as a special counsel to "oversee the Justice Department's criminal investigations involving Donald Trump" as NPR describes HERE

QUESTION:   Will the Committee's final report rightfully include findings about all involved in the January 6th seditious activities in addition to those of former President Donald J. Trump -- the Congresspersons, Government law enforcement departments including FBI, Secret Service, other organizations, any religious entities, possibly any corporate and private financial backers?

UP WHERE WE BELONG  sung by Buffy Sainte-Marie

This is the composer's version of the song which is best known from the movie, "An Officer and a Gentleman" sung by Joe Cocker.  "Buffy won an Oscar for this song with Jack Nitzsche and Will Jennings."  


How we view life's experiences is all a matter of perspective.  Buffy Sainte-Marie, now 81 years old,  recalled in her youth being taught in school that in 1492 Columbus discovered America, but as an indigenous native Canadian American Cree Indian she knew that wasn't true.  She said, in 1492 we Indians in America discovered Columbus.

Buffy expressed a variety of thoughts in her music's lyrics through the years including some about current events as others like Bob Dylan did.   Elvis Presley and other singers performed and recorded her songs.  Her career progressed until unbeknown to her the U.S. government began black-listing her, suppressed her music recordings she discovered years later in her FBI files.  Not realizing her activism had become of concern, she thought her popularity has just waned.  

Other credits Buffy has acquired included repeated appearances on Sesame Street introducing that young community to indigenous people.  The story-line with her husband continued through her pregnancy, subsequent natural breast-feeding of her new-born baby.  

Thanksgiving's celebration fostered my remembrances of what I was taught about the holiday in school.  We focused on the Pilgrims and the Indians forging a friendship by sharing a meal.  

Were some of you in later generations taught more facts about the Pilgrims and Indians relationship?

I have long since learned there is much more to the story of the Native American Indians, the indigenous people of our nation, from whom the Pilgrims began taking their land with and without their agreement.  

The American Indian perspective on the Thanksgiving myth can be viewed on HERE

"Wampanoag historian Linda Coombs and Narragansett Knowledge Keeper Cassius Spears speak with filmmaker Yvonne Russo about the experiences of Native populations at the time of European settlers'  arrival in New England 400 years ago, and what is actually known about the first Thanksgiving."

The arriving pilgrims encountered the aftermath of a plague thought to have been brought to them a short time earlier by fishermen.  Thousands of Indians died in this fast moving disease that decimated their villages of their health care providers and even those who bury the dead.  Seeing this devastation a pilgrim leader reported God had cleared the land for them revealing an insensitive, even heinous view -- lacking in compassion for other human beings to say the least by this Christian likely intolerant of others different spiritual views.  

Centuries later I recall attending the reading of a new book by author Dee Brown when we lived in Arizona.  "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" proved to be a novel describing how the American west was won.  Heart-breaking descriptions reveal the "...systematic destruction of American Indian tribes in the late nineteenth century" as Good Reads reviews HERE

Native American Cultural Heritage Month is currently being celebrated on PBS.  A number of programs are being aired about life on the reservations today you may find of interest.  

Indian reservation life can still leave much to be desired for many residents lacking basic utilities taken for granted elsewhere.   Agreements between the Indians and the U.S. Government also can continue to present challenges resolving.  

Now may be a reckoning time as our nation's people need to relinquish the colorful notions and stories told about our history.  The reality of our indigenous people, also of those held in slavery often has been romanticized and is long overdue for truthful descriptions. 

We might also want to take special care to tolerate, especially in leadership positions and news disseminators, only those committed to speaking, writing truth.

Sunday, November 20, 2022


 Republic -- "If you can keep it."  [Democracy]

U.S. Select House Committee on Jan. 6th Hearings

The Committee's subpoena to Donald Trump to testify resulted in the 45th President failing to comply, then suing the Committee.

Attorney General Merrick Garland, DOJ, has appointed former integrity chief, Jack Smith, as a special counsel to "oversee the Justice Department's criminal investigations involving Donald Trump" as NPR describes HERE.

QUESTION:  Will we see justice, know the results of the Committee's Hearings and the DOJ's criminal investigations involving Donald Trump before the November 2024 Presidential election?

"The time has come", the Walrus said, "To talk of many things:  Of shoes - and ships - and sealing wax - Of  cabbages - and kings - And why the sea is boiling hot - And whether pigs have wings."        The Walrus and the Carpenter  by Lewis Carroll

One interpretation at interesting literature HERE"The story ... is, in one sense, the story of encroachment and entitlement: the sun upon the moon's territory or time, the walrus and the carpenters upon the oysters, which they presume to eat -- because they can."

DROUGHT -- We wait in the midst of our rainy season for more of the wet stuff, but no moisture here since last week.  None projected for this week.  Maybe next week, next month.

Typically, this is our fire season in which dangerous flames every year have been very destructive, often of people's homes, lives, pets, livestock, in addition to surrounding forests, also dislocating, even injuring or killing some wildlife there.  We've been spared fires so far this season said to be due to the absence of diablo (devil) winds.  These winds "catapult embers and fan flames" spreading the fire far and wide.

KIWIS and BAMBOO FABRIC INNOCENT -- (see my previous post. ).  I have since  consulted with my Dermatologist, then referral to an Allergist has me finally getting some meaningful treatment gradually affecting all that itching, hives/rash, watery eyes, runny nose, other symptoms, and energy, alertness level depletions alleviating some sleep complications.  

Seems I did what many people do with my symptoms -- think food or some other item is the potential cause, so we try the process of elimination.  The reality, I was told, is that most often the cause has to do with pollens, airborne matters also affecting the respiratory system.  This may be more prevalent in some areas such as where I live than in others, I think.

So, I can eat those kiwis, wear those bamboo fabric P.J.s I was told (but I may wait 'til this is over).  Given some of the relief I'm experiencing indicates we're on the right track though there is still a toll as each day wears on.  Meanwhile, a thorough examination with blood work and other will be occurring.

My fatigue level, endurance have all been affected for much longer than a month now, resulting in my getting even more behind on so many things.  The annual holidays are coming, too, so, I will continue with limited time spent blogging, probably writing only here, among other things.  Thanks for your understanding.  

MUSIC MEMORIES -- An early 20th century variety of jazz and swing, before my day, continues to be popular with many of all ages -- young and old.  Dixieland is one such style that has had a popular group of musicians in our town.  Jazz evolved into later 20th century styles I especially enjoy more and shared with my husband.  Performing jazz with his groups, including a vocal one, and backing some name artists was my husband's professional avocation for many years which I've previously written about here.   

I welcome promoting jazz so was pleased to recently learn of this 43-year-old Thanksgiving festival.  Check your community for music festivals year 'round featuring the music you favor and support them.  Area Philharmonic Orchestras can be especially enjoyable, too., as are any local area symphonies that sometimes hold outdoor concerts.

2022 San Diego Jazz Fest & Swing Extravaganza.         

Celebrating 43 Years!       Thanksgiving Weekend     

"The San Diego Jazz Fest is one of the longest running annual music festivals dedicated to celebrating jazz music of the early 20th Century.  Since 1980, this event has been held during Thanksgiving weekend in San Diego, California, and features a variety of musical artists performing traditional jazz, swing, blues, ragtime, boogie woogie, gospel, and rhythm and blues."

MY FIRST THANKSGIVING I recall when I was quite young was spent on a Great Aunt's midwest Ohio farm with other of my family members on what became an extended long weekend due to unexpected snow creating safe driving concerns.  Having had our Thanksgiving dinner, we now needed more food due to our sudden necessary delayed departure in those times before home freezers with an emergency supply of food were prevalent.   

The next day the men, including my older brother, went out hunting for rabbits.  Tracking the rabbits footprints in the snow aided in the task.  They allowed me to traipse along to observe the whole process which culminated in the men dressing the rabbits for the women who later prepared them for dinner.  

I was quite appalled with the demise of the rabbits, refusing to eat any of the meat.  Finally, I reluctantly agreed to taste a bite which led to a second, then more.  Surprisingly to me, the meat was quite tasty, overcoming my focus on what had happened to the rabbits and I continued to finish my serving.  The next morning, I even ate some of the meat cold.  I've never eaten rabbit since, but then the occasion to do so has never presented itself.

THANKSGIVING celebrations will soon have many enjoying time and delicious food with family and/or friends.  Some may celebrate virtually.  Others will settle on relishing long ago memories of those times. 

May Thanksgiving be special for you!