Monday, October 28, 2024


Is the Fourth Estate -- a press independent of government dictates -- a necessary vital check on truth and honesty in our form of government we expect our Presidential candidates to observe? 

Why aren't the Washington Post and Los Angeles Times Newspapers endorsing a Presidential candidate in this critical election year with the very state of our nation's democratic republic, constitution at stake?

Why would the practice of recommending candidates this election year suddenly be discontinued?

Do the billionaire owners of these two newspapers not respect editorial management's decision freedom? 

Are the billionaires aligning themselves defacto with one of the candidates?

Are we already seeing the beginning of the stifling of the free press? 

Isn't elimination of the press one of the goals of countries with dictators, autocratic leaders, despots who determine what constitutes news "facts" citizens receive?

Aren't these "facts" put forth as truth often actually lies from such leaders?  

Have we already been primed by one former President and candidate to accept lies as truth?  

Would we want such a leader to be the President of our country?  


  1. As I was trying to understand why Bezos would make that anti-democratic decision, I ran across an article in the NYT that I think got to the heart of it. It talked about his contract with the government. The article reported that within 20 minutes of the WaPo's announcement that there would be no endorsement, people representing Trump met with representatives of Bezos regarding future space contract. Democracy dies in the dark, indeed.

    1. If T is elected, might they also fear he would break up their company and they might have to sell their yachts and/or a house or two?

  2. Unfortunately, not enough people understand the dangers that 45 present our nation.
