Memorial Day commemorates those whose lives were taken in defense of each of us and the United States. I especially remember those who fought in WWII though few of that generation are still living -- the veterans themselves, other contemporaries. I have written posts devoted specifically to honoring all those serving our country you may access in this blog's archives numerous years on this date.
Others have commented here missing the "Time Goes By" community and reading Ronni Bennett's writing at her blog due to her death last year. I was reminded last month we often celebrated her April 7th birthday with her. I think we all knew what skills, experience and perspective with humor she brought to her blog were unique to her, not to be easily imitated or reproduced by another. She expended considerable time and energy into promoting the goals she had for TGB's focus on aging and providing encouragement to elderbloggers.
Like most who were influenced by or followed RB's blog we have looked forward to the blog continuing with a new writer. We were delighted to read a close friend Ronni had encouraged decided to become TGB's blogger to be known as Autumn as she last told us in December 2020.
Since Autumn's December pronouncement TGB readers have awaited the next communique. Some readers, including myself, wanted to support keeping the TGB community together. We, independent of one another, tried to follow Ronni's dictum to "talk among yourselves" as she had encouraged on those few occasions in the past when she had little to write. So, we generally referenced some topics about which she had previously written offering our new fresh commentary and encouraging others to add their thoughts, to select other of her blog post topics to comment on, or even introduce some new topics. This was all done, hopefully to maintain interest, and TGB community followers until that unknown time when Autumn has been expected to begin writing there.
Whatever the plans for TGB they remain unknown. In the past months comments have been closed on all of the TGB topics so keeping the blog active for reader community dialogue is obviously not part of the plan for the blog presently. Or perhaps someone stopped the comments because too much moderating was needed for an increasing number of unacceptable comments, those seeking free advertising, trolls polluting the content. Coincidentally, just before comments were closed, I had decided to discontinue commenting there further any way, on what I had come to see as a dormant TGB for new posts.
I don't presume to know what Ronni's thoughts were, but based on what I knew of her desire for her blog, I think she would be disappointed her blog has not been actively continued in some fashion with at least an occasional brief status update since that last December pronouncement. Possibly Autumn continues to be involved with resolving issues associated with RB's death, formulating her plans for TGB, securing her own continued anonymity if that is her preference, and many other explanations. Everything is pure speculation so TGB followers apparently must be patient a while longer for the promised blog continuation.
I've looked forward to learning what the philosophy of TGB would be, the guidelines for posts and comments to be followed, if TGB will continue to be non-commercial as well as the blog's content focus. I've looked forward to seeing if the blog will still be of interest to me as one of the older bloggers there. RB was close to being a contemporary of mine though slightly younger, plus we had other shared interests.
Will matters pertaining to older bloggers be addressed as well as the focus wisely being primarily on Boomers and younger generations? I realize as someone whose life as a child was during WWII that those of us still living are increasingly few in number, but I've appreciated encountering others like myself at TGB as well as reading of other generations experiences and point of view. I don't know what sort of connection I may feel with another blogger or bloggers and the direction TGB may take if, in fact, TGB continues. Unfortunately, many of the aging issues RB addressed continue to exist in our culture impacting all ages ultimately, so there are still many matters needing discussion for how to resolve.
Incidentally, quite by accident some months ago I came across an exchange of comments on another blog that has since become dormant, too. That blogger expressed congratulations to her commenter for having decided to continue as TGB's blogger. My clicking on that commenter's icon surprisingly to me linked to TGB though she was commenting from a different blog. When queried about her relationship to TGB she responded such a link was an accident. I did research that commenter's name who will remain unnamed in respect of her privacy. I did not contact her and have no further information to share on this matter.
I don't know if or when TGB will resume with Autumn or someone else or others writing, or what is the intent for the blog's future focus and content. I'm as curious as you may be. The December 2020 post Autumn wrote says she will be continuing with TGB, so only time will tell when a fresh post will be published, if ever. Surely, if Autumn has since changed her mind, deciding to not assume blogging at TGB she or someone would say so. Meanwhile, "Time Goes By".