In the scheme of life this topic matters little, but I keep getting annoyed every time I hear the word "jabbed" used to describe people getting the vaccination combatting this world sweeping pandemic. I don't know why this word used for this purpose grates on me, but I find "injection" or even "shot" (though, come to think of it, shot can have a worse meaning) much less objectionable.
Maybe "jabbed" in my mind suggests just a careless imprecise sticking of someone with any ol' object, anywhere, in which case who would want a vaccination -- I wouldn't. But I don't mind getting a shot? Go figure!
Are there words that just automatically trigger a negative reaction aggravating you when you hear them used?
ANNOYING ACTIONS -- be forewarned of political commentary
Writing of jabs and annoyance, I might add I'm more than a little annoyed that my and others tax money here in California is being squandered to the tune of $276 million. We're having to foot the bill for a special election to recall our Governor Newsom that I consider to be purely politically motivated. Do you think there just might be better ways to spend that sum? I do!
I don't question there are issues with actions our Governor has taken with which some Californians have not agreed. I do not believe they have risen to the level warranting this recall vote, however. This is especially evident when compared to the gross actions the previous U.S. President of that major political party's monied supporters promoting this recall consistently tolerated by denial and turning a blind eye -- they still do.
We California citizens are basically paying for a pre-primary election for the Republican Party prior to our future regular election, November 2022. They view this recall election as an exercise to come up with a viable candidate to offer next year, as described by a writer with a newspaper that endorsed one of that Party's candidates for this recall election. (Note: I'm not registered with any political party.)
If this recall is successful, we're really only shortening our current Democratic Party governor's term by one (1) year! There is no justifiable reason in my view for not waiting for the regular election in 2022 to determine if we want him as governor, when we can reject or re-elect him at that time.
My ballot arrived in the mail this past week offering me the choice of two actions. The first choice is, do I want to recall our Governor -- "Yes" or "No". The second action is to select who should replace him from the 46 listed candidates if he is recalled. That's right -- 46 candidates! (24 Republicans, 9 Democrats, 9 No Party Preference, 2 Green Party, 1 Libertarian, Write-Ins of unknown number, if any)
Our current Governor must receive a majority, 50% or more, of the votes saying "NO" we don't want to recall him in order to stay in office the last year of his elected 4 year term.
Here's the scary part -- if the voters recall him, the candidate who has the most votes will become our replacement governor. The votes for all the other candidates may total more than the winning candidate but that won't matter.
What kind of representative of the electorate would that person be? This is how political nutsos (technical term) receiving only a meager number of votes can be elected to office! That, and occasionally via the Electoral College less-in-number votes taking precedent over the larger majority popular votes. The latter has taken place twice in recent years with disastrous consequences -- Iraq War, Capitol Insurrection.
Reading the resume' of most of these candidates reveals qualifications that hardly prepare them to be our state's governor. One or more candidates might realistically be considered as endorsement fodder by the Republican or Democratic Party come our regular election, but many other candidates might not be judged realistic prospects for political offices in their own communities whether the office of mayor, treasurer of a local club, or dog catcher.
Of course, there is that woman who is simply described as "Entertainer", or more precisely, "Billboard Queen, Icon. Experienced politician." She has a P.O. Box in Beverly Hills so what further qualifications or endorsements does she need? (No Party Preference)
Hopefully, the majority of my fellow Californians will mark their ballot, "NO" we do not want to recall our current Governor. Let him serve out his four-year term, then we'll decide whether to re-elect him or not.
Our current Governor Newsom is telling those who support him to vote "NO" on the recall, but not vote for a candidate. I haven't heard him explain why not vote for a candidate. He cannot be written in either as the vote won't be viable. I guess he is optimistic that he will not be recalled.
Perhaps he does not want the primary opposition Republican Party to have the benefit of learning the voting strength of any of his Democratic Party's candidates, but especially which of their own candidates might attract the most votes in 2022. So far, the most prominent Republican candidates agree on the major issues, with which I don't agree, despite whatever lesser issues they disagree on with each other.
Frankly, I'm not inclined to want to make the Republican Party's formulating their 2022 election ticket any easier for them either. I don't trust a political party whose actions have demonstrated efforts to undermine our democratic republic. This gives me little confidence in whether most of their candidates would protect our freedoms -- a troubling perspective I never imagined their actions would cause me to form of that Party.
I have mixed feelings about not selecting a candidate, since not only do I resent my tax money paying for this recall election, I am angry about being used by the Republican Party in this manner -- an abuse of the political process and all taxpayers. Just when I think they couldn't ethically sink any lower earning my respect for them, they keep managing to go deeper at every governmental level into the national cesspool they seem to have created.
What I think also, is, if by some fluke the recall vote succeeds, do I want to take a chance on who the candidate receiving the most votes will be? No doubt the Republicans will come out to vote in full force, but if I don't select a candidate, do I want to risk their possibly choosing the most unacceptable to me of their candidates?
Their voter track record for quality candidate selection isn't too good as I recall the last time they put one of their own in the White House as a prime example. Too many of the Republican Party members appear to continue to bend, bow and kowtow following this now ex-President's much less than noble, unethical example garnering votes with total disregard for facts and truth coupled with their promoting often ridiculous, even dangerous conspiracy theories.
In addition to voting "NO" on the recall, I must decide whether to vote for a specific candidate, then vote by September 14th.