Sunday, August 01, 2021



"Time Goes By" (TGB) blog with past content appears to presently continue being available on the Internet hosted by TypePad with this URL: as Ronni wrote here.  We can thank another blogger at "Cop Car's Beat" (her cat's name) for her research locating Ronni'sTGB post quote regarding her blog :  

"Arrangements are being made for this blog to remain just where it is online for at least five years after I've died.  If anything is different, my friend Autumn, who is handling everything following my death, will let you know via this blog.  So, when she posts information, it will show up in your email subscription just as you receive it now."

TGB readers who do not have blogs recently contacted me when they received notification of changes with the RSS feed that regularly has provided them the TGB blog.  Their effort to implement the newly provided Feed/blitz link did not work.  They have been concerned as to whether they will continue to be able to receive TGB and access those existing blog posts plus any new publications should there be any. 

In an effort to find an answer for them, I emailed questions to TGB's host TypePad but received no response; then suggested to the readers they might want to contact TypePad themselves.  One reader reported she did receive a TypePad response that this was now a host Feed/blitz issue.  These TGB blog readers questions remain unresolved as I write this, to the best of my knowledge.  

For whatever the reasons,  Autumn has to date not written any further posts on TGB since  December 2020 when she said she intended to continue the blog.   The blogger at "The Awkward Widow" recently reported:  "She [Autumn] is not going to post", concluding TGB " dead."

We cannot always control that our specified wishes will be carried out after we die despite our best efforts as the Awkward Widow notes.   I might add,  there may even be occasional instances when individuals have written, signed, documented forms specifying health care wishes that may later be contradicted by family with the medical provider, so there are no guarantees even before death either, in my experience.  

If, for some reason Autumn is unable to write a post on TGB where all comments are now also closed, and there is no active contact email address there, I wish she would contact any one of numerous TGB blogger commenters, or me -- that she would write a statement with as much or as little specifics as she might choose to share regarding TGB's publication, especially the blog's subscription feeds and her intent to continue the blog, or not.  

I, or a blog commenter she might choose, would welcome the opportunity to publish on our blog such official information from Autumn which I believe TGB's followers deserve to know and Ronni would expect at the very least -- some final resolution directly from Autumn regarding TGB's future, not simply ignoring the blog's followers.

Will TGB have a new editor writing blog posts?

Will TGB existing content continue to be on the Internet with TypePad hosting the current URL?  

Will TGB'S existing and/or any new content continue to be fed to subscribers by Feed/blitz, including to those readers who don't have blogs?

I would like to add, I see no useful purpose in speculating further about Autumn's plans, or why she has handled the matter as she has.  She wrote she was only a child when she first knew Ronni who was then an adult and their close relationship developed from that point forward -- I think, maybe being family-like.  

I continue to feel sympathy for Autumn's loss and whatever challenges emotionally and otherwise she may be experiencing resolving Ronni's estate.  Some of us can even act a bit flaky, or appear to be so, after the death of someone for whom we care very much -- sometimes for quite a long period of time after that person is gone from this earth that others may not understand and even we may not about ourselves.


Well, I did it!  I finally retired my large but old automatic coffee maker.  I purchased a single cup automatic coffee maker producing from 8 to 14 ounces of my cafe' noir from whatever my favored grind.  Unfortunately,  for me, that is generally decaf, unlike many years of my drinking lots of caffeinated coffee and espresso, but this is much more conveniently in line with my coffee drinking habits now.   I can vary the strength, adjust the amount from cup to travel mug.  I don't use those limiting expensive little prepared cups used with some coffee makers.

I won't share the product brand since my blog policy, like Ronni Bennett's "Time Goes By" policy,  does not provide free advertising or promotion for commercial products.  If a reader ever wants to know about anything I mention on this blog, I'll share such information in response to a private email that can be sent to the address in the upper ride hand corner of this screen page.


Nothing ensures with more certainty that I will NEVER conduct business with an individual, company, or organization than if they ignore or fail to remove me from their email or any other mailing lists, including postal service mail, if I request them to do so, as has occurred with regular letters from one such advertiser.   Another obnoxious company, but on the internet,  said I could unsubscribe but when I submitted such a request, ultimately more than once,  instead they bombarded my email with multiple emails every day for weeks to months, finally reducing it now to only one email almost every day though I've never responded to any -- and I NEVER WILL!

Comments here on any or all of the above topics are always welcome.   Those attempting to sneakily seek free advertising or promotion in comments with links, often with no relation to any blog content, can be assured their comment will never see the light of day on this blog and will instead be screened out, sent directly to spam, even permanently blocked.



  1. TGB was Ronni and I can't imagine it without her. I can still access the blog on my reading list. Pretty sure Autumn nor anyone but Ronni has the passion she had for the blog. I am content to go back for occasional rereads.
    I think when you "unsubscribe" you are basically telling them your are there and reading. I have never had one of those work so I just quit. I block them and eventually they go away.

    1. I, too, think RB’s mission to expand blogging and computer use by older people, to influence how aging people are perceived and portrayed was unique to her. She hoped others might share her enthusiasm for spreading these ideas in our individual blogs if we agreed the ideas had merit was my understanding as she shared with me. There can be some value in rereading some of the TGB dialogue on her topics, enjoying the weekly music posts is timeless as are many of the humorous videos plus storytime and so much more.

      No response, period, is the best way to cope with those unwanted emails, I agree.

  2. I too have not "monetised" my blog and my spam catcher prevents spammers trying to use the comment facility to promote their blogs or products. I rarely get to approve or disapprove comments, usually from a totally new commenter or from a spammer.

    1. I receive more spam and troll nonsense than I like, or think I should, but i can spot it right away as I’ve had ro moderate my comments but i don't waste my time reading it.

  3. I have to keep an eye on spam constantly and make sure to list them as such before deleting them.
    I have told my daughter to let readers know if something happens to me.

    1. I've done the same with my family, to alert everyone about my death or permanent incapacitation, the former, for sure eventually, hopefully the latter will never occur.

      The discussion of this blogger notification topic came up years ago on TGB, but we probably should bring it up occasionally as a reminder or prompt to new bloggers.

  4. I too was saddened that the blog went RIP too. Meant to be, I guess. Ronni put so much work into it. I remember she mentioned the hours per day one time and I was impressed. She did a lot of research and reading.

    I'm still caffeinated, LOL. A good dark bean and grinding my own on a 50 YO grinder.


    1. Glad you’re still enjoying good coffee and a 50 year old grinder for your beans — I’m impressed!

      As for TGB, hard for me to understand why Autumn wouldn't at the very least write a final post of some sort if she had any true regard for RB and what the blog and her supporters meant to her.

  5. I never visited As Time Goes By so I won't make any comment on that. Strangely, in all the time I've been blogging (14 years) only one blogger has ever died on me.

    I also delete any comment that's obviously trying to sell a product or link to some dubious cause. But I don't get many of those.

    1. Perhaps your blog has attracted mostly younger viewers as I've had numerous bloggers as did TGB who have died.

      I think I may get quite a few of the freeloaders because having not even read my blog, my blog name may mislead them to think I'm somebody I'm not, if that makes any sense.

  6. Your new coffee maker sounds lovely. I don’t drink coffee, but my husband and daughter do. My husband likes French roast in a French press, and my daughter likes a homemade espresso made with the Nespresso machine we inherited when a friend moved across country and decided not to take it. I drink tea, coffee is too much for my stomach. I can have it occasionally but not too often.

    1. I like tea, too, and drank green tea regularly for a while -- may go back to it eventually -- probably better for me.

  7. I’m glad I ran into this blog and post.I too followed TGB for many many years and often wondered if my name had been lost and I just wasn’t receiving the posts. Ronni was one of a kind. I just wish the courtesy to let us all know it was gone for good, had been done. I miss it for sure.

    1. Autumn hasn't even replied to the few people who have had an email address for her and made an effort to contact her. Very disappointing to see TGB appear to end in this manner after all of Ronni’s efforts to ensure otherwise.
