Sunday, September 01, 2024




Food for thought .....  

Patiently waiting for the wheels of justice to roll forward for January 6th accountability about which I've previously written.

Question as voters consider where to cast their 2024 ballot ----

If 45 becomes President, he acts chaotically as he has demonstrated he does .....  his supporters determine they made a mistake ..... but he won't leave office ..... what then?

Citizen voters won’t be able to get him out, legally if he makes all the constitution and court system changes he has said he will make in the process of establishing his dictatorship -- there will be no election as he will have prevented that.  Or, any election, if there is one, will likely be rigged much as he demonstrated attempting to do after  2020.  

At  least if another  political party's candidate has been elected we can legally remove them from office by various peaceful means —  impeachment, or at the latest, with an election at the end of their 4 year term.