Sunday, October 09, 2022


 Republic -- "If you can keep it."  [Democracy]

     Accountability for Jan. 6 insurrection

U.S. Select House Committee on Jan. 6th Hearings

Thursday, October 13, 2022 -- 1:00pm ET (10am PT)

QUESTION:  Why has our ex-President DJT kept classified government documents and continues to do so as the Department of Justice reports believing he is still doing?

The James Bond movie series celebrates 60 years anniversary 2022.

"Dame Shirley closes the 2011 Classic Awards Show (May 12, 2011) by paying tribute to John Barry.  ... Goldfinger was co-written by John Barry, Leslie Bricussee, Don Black and Anthony Newley.  Bassey is the UKs most successful female recording artist of all time, with 140 Million records sold worldwide!"  (Read more at this YouTube site HERE.)

Shirley Bassey -- GOLDFINGER (2011 Live)

Unexpected events keep intruding into my life including some thought to be previously resolved.

Once again would you believe I was subjected to having to contact my phone company's customer service number?  That's the number I described in my previous post.  The call reaches a recorded message explaining how unusually busy they are, so they offer a call back service when an agent is available.  That sounds customer oriented.  Surprise!  No agent is available.  

Instead I hear the same recorded message, we're busy, so sorry, we'll be with you soon, but no callback offer this time.  I had to hold a whole hour before a live agent answered.  This process is a real joke and an insult to the customer.  They could at least not call back until there is an agent available.  

I don't understand what sort of cockamamie system this phone company has -- it certainly isn't geared to caring about their customers and reflects poorly on them.

Another inconvenience two weeks ago when I went out to my car only to discover what I thought must be a dead battery which the emergency service person later confirmed.  He simply jumped the battery, and I was soon able to drive away.  

My car isn't driven as much as in the past, and not necessarily every day as I told him.  This accounts for why I encountered this older battery dead again this past week.  The different service company replaced the old battery with a new one.  There was still a one month guarantee on the old battery so the new one was free. 

Why didn't the first guy replace my battery, especially since he said it was over five years old?  I hadn't checked but I told him  I thought it was newer than that.  The new service man reported the old battery had been installed in 2019.   Maybe the first guy wasn't good at math.

Also, several weeks ago I started experiencing itchy, eventually hot red inflamed swollen areas on various finger and arm areas of my body.  These were not rashes or even like hives which can indicate an allergic reaction.  Conferring virtually with family I learned one of them had at one time experienced much the same symptoms that were diagnosed as angioedema.  

Reading some reliable medical internet sites I am inclined to believe this is what I have caused by an allergy.  A fruit is named which I rarely have eaten until recently when I ate three over a one-week period.  I immediately stopped eating that fruit and my symptoms went away.  

I had several more of the fruits on hand but thought I couldn't be quite sure that fruit was the culprit.   I decided to eat one earlier this past week to see what happened.  A few days after I ate that kiwi the symptoms appeared again.  I'm more convinced now that the kiwis are the cause of my apparent allergic reaction which I'm still experiencing as I write this.  Nothing else has recently been new in my life or my diet.

Light-skinned people (I'm a redhead) can be susceptible to some medical issues so perhaps this is one for me.  My body could never tolerate highly seasoned foods such as with some raw onions and hot peppers until I was in my mid-twenties.  Even now I still best take some care.  

I've eaten strawberries in great quantities much of my life though I know they can cause allergies for some people.  Given that I am a confessed strawberry addict I'm grateful to be able to safely indulge that berry addiction without any problem.

Allergies can be really troublesome, even life threatening for people.  I recall the last commercial flight I took some years ago eating a nut mix I had brought from home in a small plastic bag.  The stewardess came to me to ask that I put them away since there was a passenger with a peanut allergy.  She then went on to say, "That's why we didn't distribute any peanuts."  It almost seemed as though she thought I should have known.  

Certainly, I was more than willing to put away my nuts which weren't peanuts and wouldn't have gotten them out to eat had I known the situation.  They hadn't announced they weren't distributing peanuts, but then I didn't know they typically did as not all airlines did.  I glanced around and saw a young girl wearing a mask (this was before Covid) in the seat behind the ones across the aisle from me.

I recall a family friend contemporary of my mother.  She was allergic to some foods, citrus, also monosodium glutamate.  The family ceased eating at restaurants as in those years MSG was used much more prevalently than in more recent years.  She was a marvelous cook even of foods she could not eat but never used MSG in what she prepared.

She lived to 103 years of age.  When she was in her 80s or 90s she began to be able to eat some of the foods, such as citrus, she had not been able to tolerate before.  Our bodies are certainly functionally complex and change in numerous ways over time.  

People can develop allergies to all sorts of foods and other substances.  You likely know this from your own experience or what you know of others.  


  1. Many years ago a dermatologist when I said that I have no allergies, replied, just wait, everyone gets one.
    Shortly afterwards I found my hands and lower arms covered in red spots and had one of these allergy tests where you have lots of little bits of special band aids stuck on your back for I think three days, the band aids covering various allergens. I was terribly itchy for the three days and prepared myself to have numerous allergies after all. But it was just the band aids. My only allergy to date and easily avoided. The red spots were chemical burns for a cleaning agent, the student job I had at the time was as a cleaner on a hospital ward.

    1. I had eczema on my hands as a young girl with the treatment prescribed to keep my hands out of water. I could only dry dishes and no longer had to wash them in the days long before dishwashers. Overnight I wore cotton gloves over my hands that had olive oil on them. Mom probably bought the least expensive as the smell was terrible causing me to avoid olive oil for anything for years. My hands soon recovered though I don't recall how long it took, but I've never had a problem since.

  2. Customer Service really needs renamed as service seems to be last on too many companies "to do" lists.
    You are right, allergies can come or go at anytime. I never had seasonal allergies till I moved to Arkansas at 65 and it wasn't much later that I developed lactose intolerance after drinking milk all my life at almost every meal. Sigh.

    1. I, too, have drunk milk all my life and much of it was unpasteurized including the couple years we had two cows. Those years much of the milk I drank was after the cream was separated from it. Drinking pasteurized milk was a real come-down in taste but I've long since adapted. Sure hope I never become lactose intolerant and sorry to hear you have.

  3. Allergies are truly mysteries as they come and go and we do not know wy or what to do but avoid the cause. Glad your was not life threatening.

    1. I still haven't conclusively proved the kiwi is the source of my problem but is part of my process of elimination since from what I read it may not even be anything I ate. Food allergy was just the first thing that came to my mind. If whatever the cause results in swelling affecting breathing then it can be serious but no sign of that so far.

  4. In my opinion, DJT is selling classified documents to the highest bidders. He's a scumbag.

    1. You're probably right about selling the documents as his life and presidency appears to be all about making money for himself at everyone else's expense, including even our nation's security.

  5. My 92-year old mother is suddenly lactose intolerant. She grew up working in the family candy shop and ice cream parlor.

    I occasionally get a reaction to fresh pineapple and kiwi--usually a burning sensation and redness around my lips. It's not every time I eat them, which is odd.

    As far as tfg (the former guy, as Pres. Biden calls him)--I cannot begin to understand any of that tangle anymore. I agree with Jean (Misadventures, above) that he has scurrilous, dangerous, treasonous motives that are putting our country and other countries in serious danger.

    1. Curious how your mother's lactose intolerance developed but Ark. Patti above had the same thing occur she said, but at a much younger age.

      From what I read the symptoms around your lips and mouth are what usually is experienced which is a body area where I haven't had the reaction. That difference leads me to be unsure kiwi is the source of my issues.

      "TFG" seems to act primarily in his own personal self-interest.

  6. I agree about DJT. I'm beginning to wonder about allergies. My neck has been red and itchy/irritated for a couple of weeks now and I can't figure out why.

    1. Hope your neck area issue is resolved soon for you.

  7. I know I'm allergic to DJT. Linda in Kansas

  8. Ramana Rajgopaul10/10/2022 5:53 AM

    I am allergic to some types of antibiotic medicines and discovered about them after much suffering. One particular medicine almost killed me.

    1. That type of allergy can really be concerning but glad you survived.

  9. Luckily I don't have any allergies but many people do. I've never heard of someone losing their allergies as they grow older. That must have been quite a surprise.
    It seems to be very common for companies to promise to call you back and then they never do. Just another way of warding off those annoying people known as "customers".

    1. I've heard of others whose allergies have gone away in later years. Guess it has to do with the changes our bodies go through during our lifetime. Obviously, not all experience allergy remission.

      I've always had an agent be on the line with call backs and did with this phone company initially. My complaint is there was no agent on the line. Instead I received the recorded message again saying the same as before that they were sorry but unusually busy and someone would be with me soon. There was no offer for a second call back. I think there should have been another call back since an agent apparently still wasn't available since I had to hold for an hour. Ideally, however long it takes, a call back shouldn't come until an agent is available., not to have to hold for an hour.

  10. Blog policy does not allow publishing of personal testimonials, especially unrelated to the topics, including those promoting others with their email address.

  11. Dear Joared, yes, I, too, think that some companies have strange menus that take us nowhere to no-one. Moreover, even big companies must have only one or two operators. Waiting on line to talk to a real person can be both frustrating and infuriating.

    I just finished listening to an audio book that I think you would enjoy. I surely did--and also learned a great deal about a period of US history about which I new little. The book is "Destiny of the Republic: Madness, Medicine, and Murder." It's written by Candice Millard. (She's also written two other bestsellers--one about a young Churchill and the Boer War and one about Teddy Roosevelt and the Amazon (I think that was the river). This one I'm suggesting to you is about President James Garfield, who died back in 1881, not from the assassin's bullet but from the ineptitude of doctors who refused to accept Lister's idea of germs and sterilizing. The book is fascinating. Absolutely. Peace from Dee Ready

    1. The books sound interesting. As medical science discovers new facts some practices once thought appropriate cease to be. I guess that continues to be true even today since there is so much we still don't know.
